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Hematologist and its role in handling blood disorders

Hematology is a field of health studies that studies about blood and blood disorders that occur. Some diseases that are overcome by the field of hematology medicine include anemia, blood clotting disorders, infectious diseases, hemophilia and leukemia. A hematologist known as a hematologist has special expertise in the care of patients with hematological disorders, including diagnosing and managing diseases related to blood disorders.

The importance of knowing your blood condition

In hematology, it is known that blood disorders usually occur due to illness, side effects of medicines, and certain nutritional deficiencies in daily food intake. The treatment needed for blood diseases varies, depending on the blood condition and its severity, as well as the course of the disease which can vary. Blood disorders can affect one of the three main components of blood, namely:
  • Red blood cells

  • Red blood cells carry oxygen to the body's tissues. The most common blood disorders of red blood cells are anemia. People with anemia have low red blood cell counts. Although in mild conditions anemia often does not cause symptoms, anemia cannot be taken lightly. Because if not treated, anemia can develop into more severe and cause fatigue, pale skin, and shortness of breath.
  • White blood cell

  • White blood cells function as one of the body's defense systems to fight infection. Common disorders affecting white blood cells are due to bacterial and viral infections, chronic diseases, and leukemia or blood cancer, in which white blood cells become malignant and develop in the bone marrow. Other disorders include lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and myelodisplasia syndrome.
  • Platelets

  • Also known as a piece of blood, this blood cell functions to help the process of blood clotting. Changes in platelet count can be influenced by various things, when the platelet count increases, the condition is known as thrombocytosis, while the decreased platelet count is also called thrombocytopenia. Some conditions that can affect platelet count include Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) and dengue hemorrhagic fever.

Know Hematology Examination

Hematological examination is carried out for various functions, including to assess general health conditions, also to see signs of infection and various diseases. Hematological examination also has an important role in blood donor procedures and blood transfusions. There are many types of hematological examinations that can be done. One of them is a complete blood test. The purpose of this examination is to assess the overall blood condition and help diagnose anemia, inflammatory diseases, monitor blood loss, infections, and even detect cancer. Complete blood tests include:
  • Hemoglobin
  • Hematocrit
  • The number of red blood cells follows with their volume
  • The following white blood cells with a type count
  • Platelets
In addition, prothrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time (PTT), and international normalized ratio (INR) examinations can also be performed to assess blood clots and their disorders. Hematological examination is also useful to be a benchmark whether someone can undergo treatment. Especially for medications that can affect blood cells, such as aspirin, and also whether they are able to undergo medical procedures such as surgery / surgery. In treating patients, hematologists can collaborate with experts in various other fields to provide effective care, such as transplantation, oncology and clinical pathology. In the medical world, hematology plays an important role in every process of diagnosis to management.


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