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Recognize Types of Muscle Atrophy and How to Overcome It

Muscle atrophy is a condition in which there is a decrease in muscle mass. This is usually the result of injury or the presence of an illness, so that certain body parts are not moved in a sufficiently long period of time. Muscle atrophy can be recognized through the appearance of the muscles, for example one arm of the arm that looks significantly smaller compared to the other side which is normal. This muscle atrophy can be restored, but depends on the conditions and causes. So that handling methods can also vary.

Types of Muscle Atrophy

In general, there are two types of muscle atrophy, namely:
  • Atrophy caused by muscle is not used

  • Be careful for those of you whose daily work spends more time in a sitting position. This type of muscle atrophy strikes people with low activity levels. For example, those of you who are healthy but sit too much, so that the muscles of the body are weakened due to the lack of active movement. In addition, muscle atrophy can also occur due to prolonged lying down due to a disease, for example in stroke sufferers.
  • Neurogenic atrophy

  • In this type, atrophy occurs due to an injury or disease in the muscles or nerves that are directly related to the muscles. This condition generally tends to occur more quickly than atrophy because the old muscle is not used, because of its sudden nature. For example, in people with polio, spinal cord injuries and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Muscle atrophy that occurs due to suffering from a disease can make sufferers need to be hospitalized for a longer period of time. Furthermore, in certain conditions this muscle atrophy can cause a decrease in the quality of life of the patient, so it is necessary to make efforts to train the muscles and help restore the function of the muscles that are experiencing atrophy. The similarities between these two types of atrophy, however slight the decrease in muscle mass, will affect you. So that you become difficult to move and body strength in that section becomes decreased.

Symptoms and How to Overcome Muscle Atrophy

Symptoms of muscle atrophy that arise can vary from person to person. The following are some of the symptoms and signs that you may experience muscle atrophy, so you need to get medical attention:
  • Weakness in one or several parts of the body
  • Having physical members who are not used to do activities in a long time
  • The limbs, such as the hands or feet, appear smaller than the others
The symptoms of muscle atrophy are indeed few. However you are advised to really understand this symptom and be expected to be able to watch out for it, so that when it actually happens, you can immediately consult a doctor. The good news, muscle atrophy caused by the muscle being used for too long, can be overcome by regular exercise. Muscles which initially experience a decrease in mass and become weak due to lack of movement, can slowly recover through routine muscle exercises. Whereas in more severe muscular atrophy conditions, for example due to injury or the presence of certain diseases, the medical treatment needs to be adjusted according to the cause and carried out with special methods, ranging from dietary regulation, physiotherapy assistance, therapy using ultrasonography / sound waves, to surgery. If it hasn't already happened, muscle atrophy can be prevented by diligent exercise or physical activity. But if it's already happened, follow the doctor's instructions for healing.


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