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Understanding the Symptoms and the Right Skin Herpes Medication

Herpes zoster is a disease with a painful rash on the skin. Generally, doctors give skin herpes drugs, in the form of antiviral drugs and pain relievers. Shingles is caused by the reactivation of the Varicella zoster virus, the virus that causes chickenpox. Therefore, skin shingles is also known as shingles. Most cases of skin herpes recover within two to three weeks. The group that has the highest risk of developing skin herpes is the elderly who generally have a weaker immune system due to the aging process.

Recognize Symptoms that Arise

Symptoms of this viral infection are generally characterized by a group of red skin rashes that can be accompanied by pain or burning and burning. Complaints usually arise on one side. In some people, the pain can be very intense. The rash on the skin herpes will then appear as a fluid-filled resilient fluid. The rash may itch at first, but then become painful. In addition, other symptoms that can be felt in skin herpes are fever, headache, fatigue, numbness or tingling. In addition, there may be pain when touched, or exposure to sunlight. Skin herpes can occur in anyone who has had chickenpox. However, several factors that put people at risk for skin herpes include:
  • 50 years or more
  • Suffer from diseases that weaken your immune system, such as HIV / AIDS or cancer.
  • Are undergoing treatment, such as radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Because these treatments can reduce the body's resistance to infection and can trigger skin herpes.
  • Taking certain medications that can weaken the immune system, such as anti-inflammatory drugs in the corticosteroid group.

Medication for Herpes Skin

Herpes cures given by doctors can help reduce symptoms and shorten the length of infection. Generally, doctors give antiviral drugs, for example in the form of acyclovir, valacyclovir, and famciclovir. In addition, there are several types of skin herpes medications that doctors can give to reduce the discomfort that might be felt, such as:
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs

  • These drugs include ibuprofen which aims to relieve pain and inflammation that occur.
  • Analgesic drugs

  • This medicine aims to reduce the pain due to skin herpes so that it can reduce the discomfort felt.
  • Anticonvulsants

  • This drug is actually used to treat seizures, but in skin herpes, anticonvulsant drugs such as gabapentin, can be used to treat prolonged pain.
  • Antihistamines

  • This class of drugs, such as diphenhydramine, is actually useful for treating allergies, but in skin herpes can be used to help reduce itching.
In addition to utilizing herpes cures, home care can help relieve pain and itching. For example, a cold shower mixed with antiseptic liquid or a cold compress in the area of ​​the rash, then followed by applying calamine lotion. To dry the body, avoid rubbing the rash surface with a towel, just lightly pat it with a cloth or soft towel to absorb the water. Try not to scratch the rash, avoid shaking, and rest. Herpes can disrupt the activity of sufferers and cause discomfort. Consult your doctor for appropriate treatment and medication for herpes skin.


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